FPGA Part III - Design Your Own Processor

Build Your Own Processor with Multi-Cycle Machine

Posted by yg on June 8, 2019


In part I and II, we used PicoBlaze as micro-controller to implement our design. This part will try to design our own microprocessor which runs on Nexys3. This processor is quite simple but could handle simple tasks like generating Fibonacci numbers. Code for implementing the microprocessor is here.

STEP 1: Define Your Own Instruction Set

As mentioned before, the processor is very simple and therefore only supports limited number of instructions. The following picture shows the instruction set this processor supports and how it coded.


An instruction is 18-bit long. First 6-bit are op code to indicate the function of an instruction. The register file has 16 registers and therefore, requires 4-bit to decode the register. The length of a register is 8-bit long so that instance number size could be 8-bit.

STEP 2: Design Micro-Architecture to Implement the Instruction Set

There are lots of ways to implement the instruction set. The simplest way is single-cycle machine. Every instruction takes a clock cycle to execute. The disadvantage for this machine is that clock speed is limited by the longest execute time instruction. To increase clock speed, multi-cycle machine can be applied. In this machine, the instruction execution is divided into at most 5 part: instruction fetch (IF), instruction decode (ID), execute (EXE), memory access (MEM), write back (WB). Different instruction requires different part to finish. For example, JUMP requires IF, ID, EXE while ADD sX, kk needs IF, ID, EXE, MEM, WB. Each part in multi-cycle machine should be enable when needed and disable when finished in a clock cycle. In this way, an instruction might take 3 to 5 clock cycle to finish (clock cycle increased) but maximum clock speed can be increased either because now clock speed is limited by the part that takes longest time to execute. The disadvantage for multi-cycle machine is the low usage rate. Each part only works at 1 clock cycle. To overcome this, pipeline can be used but at the same time, the complexity of the system is dramatically increased.

Therefore, considering both system complexity and clock speed, multi-cycle machine is applied to implement the instruction set defined in STEP1. The following picture shows the high-level view of the microprocessor. Instruction memory puts the code we want to execute. The processor will fetch an instruction from instruction memory and decode, execute it.


The following picture contains more details about the microprocessor. As we can see, it contains a PC module, Register File, ALU Unit and Control Unit. PC module responsible for calculating next address that microprocessor would fetch from instruction memory. Register File includes 16 registers, and the size of a register is 8-bit. ALU in the design would perform add and subtract operations. Control Unit would generate control signals based on current state to control other components.

The control unit is implemented in Mealy FSM. An instruction requires three to five clock cycles to finish. The specific clock cycle time depend on instruction. The step an instruction execute is divided into up five stages: Fetch(instruction fetch), Decode(instruction decode), Execute(Instruction execute), Alu(if it’s ALU-related instruction), Wback(write result back to register file). Every control signal is generated based on current state and input (op_code) of control unit.


STEP 3: Prepare Test Code (Assembly)

To test the design of the processor, a program stored in instruction memory are needed. A code that read switch information from FPGA board as input n, generate nth Fibonacci number and finally, output the result has been implemented as .psm file as follows. Then a translation from assembly to machine code is needed. To make the translation simple, the instruction set was chosen from PicoBlaze instruction set. Therefore, you can use the translation tools in PicoBlaze package to translate your assembly code into machine code.

; Read input from port 1 which is defined as switch
; Saturate input up to 13 (n = input)
; Calculate nth fibonacci number and output to LEDs (port 3)

CONSTANT SWITCH_PORT, 01    ; hex by default

start: INPUT s0, SWITCH_PORT    ; Read 8-bit input
       COMPARE s0, 0D           ; if (n >= 13) 
	   JUMP C, gen_fib
	   LOAD s0, 0C              ; n = 12
gen_fib: LOAD s1, 00            ; f1 = 0
         LOAD s2, 01            ; f2 = 1
		   ADD s0, 01              ; make compensate		 
calculate: SUB s0, 01              
		   JUMP Z, out_result      ; while (n-- > 0)
		   LOAD s3, s2             ; temp = f2
		   ADD s2, s1              ; f2 = f2 + f1
		   LOAD s1, s3             ; f1 = temp
		   JUMP calculate
out_result: OUTPUT s2, LED_PORT
            JUMP start

STEP 4: Implement the Micro-Architecture with Verilog

Implement the micro-architecture shown in STEP2 with Verilog code and insert your code into instruction memory. Code can be referred here.

STEP5: Verify your design

After implemented the micro-architecture, you can simulate your design with a testbench you created in Isim. Send the input to your microprocessor and see if the microprocessor could generate the desired output. The following picture shows part of simulation result.


STEP6: Synthesis the Design and Download It Into Nexys3

After verifying your design, you can synthesis, download the design into Nexys3 and play with it!

The following picture is the running result for the microprocessor to generate nth Fibonacci number and display with four-digit seven-segment. The Fibonacci sequence starts with 1(input 0 output 1).



[1] Xilinx, “KCPSM6 User Guide”.

[2] David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy “Computer Organization and Design” China Machine Press, ISBN 978-7-111-45316-1, 2017.